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Dänisch-Deutsche Pflegeallianz

The Strategic Business Alliance within elderly care as a comprehensive approach to the German market.

Both Denmark and Germany are facing the demographic challenge of a fast-growing ageing population. This not only poses problems for the financing of long-term care, it is also leading to rapidly increasing shortage of nursing staff.

Denmark has been able to overcome some of the challenges in the Danish healthcare system by working strategically and sustainably with the implementation of innovative solutions, which plays a vital role in enabling a high quality of elderly care. 
Technology-based aids in elderly care can for example relieve carers of time-consuming, physically or mentally demanding tasks, which leaves more time for personal contacts and other care tasks.

Due to the lack of digitalisation and the shortage of workforce in the care sector, the German healthcare system is planning to undergo a fundamental change, and thereby to develop and future-proof care for the elderly in Germany.

Based on this notion, the Trade Council in Germany has launched the Dänisch-Deutsche Pflegeallianz (DDPA). The alliance is a strategic and long-term collaboration consisting of a number of Danish suppliers of innovative elderly care solutions, with the overall purpose to facilitate increased exposure to relevant partners in the German health sector.

Through the alliance, The Trade Council will help companies expanding their networks and improve collaboration within the industry, by fostering deep dialogues through the facilitation of several workshops. Potential partners of the alliance are for instance nursing homes that can benefit from innovative solutions to address some of the challenges faced by the sector. 

The Trade Council wants to nurture the strong existing collaboration between Denmark and Germany and also enable knowledge and experience sharing in this field. 

If you are interested in exchanging professional knowledge and are open to innovative and proven solutions or if you are interested in joining the alliance with your solution, please contact the Health Team to arrange a meeting and learn more about possibilities.   


Delegation to CPH - March 5-7th (FULL) 

The Trade Council is organizing a delegation trip for DIAKONIE Württemberg. The visit will have focus on in- and outpatient care.

Are you a Danish company and want to join? Please reach out to Olaf Meyer ([email protected]) or Gitte Sognstrup ([email protected]).

DMEA in Berlin - 8-10th of April

Members of the alliance will be exhibiting at the Nordic Pavilion in hall 3.2, come by and say hello!
For meeting appointments reach out to Gitte Sognstrup at [email protected]

Dänisch-Deutsches Fachforum Pflege 27. Mai – Impulse aus Dänemark

The Trade Council and Lafim-Diakonie are organising an expert forum bringing together experst and decision-makers from Denmark and Germany to discuss changes in the care sector.
Interested in participating? Reach out to Olaf Meyer at [email protected]


Are you interested in hearing more about the alliance’s work and how we can help you?
Then reach out to us:
