Dänisch-Deutsche Krankenhausallianz
The Strategic Business Alliance within the hospital industry as a comprehensive approach to the German market.
DDKA was launched in September 2021 to create a platform for a Danish-German exchange of knowledge within the hospital sector. Especially within the areas of digitization, innovation and processes, and the implementation hereof, as well as new business models.
The German and Danish health systems differs in various ways, among others in terms of, how they are financed and to which degree the systems are centralized. The alliance institutes dialogue with experts from both markets, an exchange of market players’ experience and key discussions, how to overcome challenges in the respective countries.
Further, the Danish health system is seen as a role model, in particular with the high degree of digitalization, the use of AI and the general process management.
Through the alliance German stakeholders get an insight in the transformation of the Danish health sector, as well as how the Danish alliance members’ solutions have been instrumental in this. Hereby, also give the opportunity to investigate, how the Danish solution can be adapted and exported to a German context.
Upcoming events
DDKA Delegation - January 2025 (FULL)
The DDKA is organizing a delegation trip for a selected group of stakeholders.
Med.logistica - 6-7th of May 2025
Members of DDKA will be present at med.logistica.
Are you also visiting? Do not hesitate to come by our booth
Health Innovation Summit - October 2025
Every year the Danish Embassy in Berlin hosts a Hospital Innovation Summit in the fall. Here you have a chance to get updated on the most important themes within health in Denmark and Germany, and meet our alliance members.
By interest please contact Ingela Aliwell at [email protected]
DKKA Delegation to Jutland - October 2025
The DDKA is organizing a delegation trip for German stakeholders to the hospitals in Jutland.
Themes: Building and logistics, automation, digitalisation, waste water
By interest please contact Ingela Aliwell at [email protected] or Olaf Meyer at [email protected]
Our Members
Danfoss Firesafety
High-pressure water mist fire systems
Automation solutions for hospitals to improve workflows and increase hygiene and efficiency
Semi Staal
Customized automatic tunnels washing systems for beds, mattresses and other items
Digital healthcare solutions and IT-services of the next generation for the public sector, hospitals, GPs, pharmacies and homecare
Decentralized wastewater treatment systems for hospitals
Then reach out to us: